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  • Writer's pictureMaadhav Kothuri

Filling the Gaps... and Preparing to Level Up

Every week brings something new. In a rather unexpected turn of events, I ended

up both backtracking in my research and diving deep into specifics. Surprisingly, this helped me fill in the gaps in my knowledge and connect the dots between concepts.

It was also exciting to see that I understood some of the more complex and specific articles, which I couldn't do two weeks ago. I've been learning a lot at lightning speed in these first few weeks of ISM, and I'm starting to wrap my head around many of the concepts that I am reading about.

As a result, it is time to level up and dive even deeper into the field of artificial intelligence. To do so, I need to start going on research interviews to learn more from professionals in the field. To achieve this, I will continue to network with professionals and begin reaching out to request and schedule research interviews.

This will help me broaden my knowledge and could even give me a change in perspective towards my research and topic, which could encourage me to explore a different direction in my research.

I also want to start experimenting with artificial intelligence and computer vision. This will give me some hands-on experience that could help me with my original work, for which I'm leaning heavily on doing a computer-vision-based project. I also need to figure out what problem my project will address so that I can research that area as well to aid my original work. All in all, things are picking up the pace, and I'm excited to see where they are going!

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